Our leather bags are now on sale! πŸ€ #Sale #nature #vegtanned #leather #renfair #fashionstyle #leatherartyoucanwear #leatherbag #fashion #vrijbijmij

We are in our old familiar place and are ready for itπŸ˜€  #Castlefest #Party #Castle #Keukenhof #Lisse #Festival β€” bij Castlefest.

This Sunday, June 30, the doors of my studio are open for the open day of Grenzeloos Ambachtelijk. From 11 am, there is a nice cup of coffee / fresh mint tea ready πŸ™‚ More information about me and all other participants can be found on www.grenzeloosambachtelijk.nl

I am happy to present you the new show of Labora Ognya “Oraliessa” It is a mix of fire juggling, fireworks and glowing charcoal in a wild and mysterious universe. Hope you like it πŸ™‚ A big thank you to Quentin Babot Alvarez, the director of this video and theContinue Reading